Category Archives: New York


Purple at Night

I was relaxing next to a little lake near Cooperstown, NY, at dusk when these colors happened and this guy paddled by. It’s a lake that is relatively high in elevation and you feel as […]

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Building Hudson Yards

On the job at Hudson Yards, the mammoth West Side development in New York City. You can walk right up to the construction site on the Highline, a few blocks east of the Hudson River. […]

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Free Verse

Union Square, NYC. When inspiration strikes, hunt and peck, but it does make you wonder: Do you need an official poetic license to write free poems in New York?

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Sky Sail

Over Long Beach, NY, a beach town on a barrier island just off the south shore of Long Island, not too far from JFK airport. Part one of the year-end image clearance. Like it on the […]

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Same-Day Wash

Same-day wash, Bushwick Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.  

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9/11 Memorial

The National September 11 Memorial opened to the public on 9/12/11, although it’s not finished. Above, One World Trade Center, also known as Freedom Tower, rises toward its planned height of 105 stories (1776 feet), […]

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The Flatiron

The Flatiron Building at 175 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan attracts photographers because of its unusual wedge shape (like an old flatiron from the days when irons were chunks of iron that had to be heated […]

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Renaissance Portraits

I was back in New York last week, so I’ll have a bunch of urban posts over the next few days — from Fifth Avenue in front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, above, to […]

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Big Apple Apple

Spring rush, outside the Apple store on Broadway, Upper West Side. More NYC photos are here.

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Wind on the Horizon

Wind Farm, Route 11, upstate New York.

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