Evelyn Glennie Makes Music

DSC_6143copyWDame Evelyn Glennie, renowned Scottish percussionist, performed at an open rehearsal at the Barre, VT, Opera House Friday night. Glennie, who has been deaf since the age of 12, is perhaps best known for her performance in the opening ceremonies at the 2012 London Olympics and her TED Talk How to Truly Listen (click here). The intimate, informal open rehearsal format allowed for questions from the audience, particularly from the children. Glennie performs in concert with conductor Paul Gambill and strings this afternoon at the Opera House and Monday at the Flynn Center Main Stage in Burlington. Her performances benefit the Community Engagement Lab (click here for more on the concerts and the organization, which works to foster creativity and community involvement in local schools.)DSC_6471copy_1WDSC_6213copy_2WDSC_6404copy_1WDSC_6227copy_1WDSC_6309WDSC_6195copy_2WDSC_6193copyW

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