Category Archives: Vermont


Storm-swept Camels Hump

Storms across the Green Mountains this summer: Camels Hump, on July 12.

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December Snow

Snow’s not unusual in December in Vermont, of course, but late November and early December turned out to be snowier than we’ve come to expect in these days of climate uncertainty. It looked good on […]

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Montpelier Youth Conservation Corps

In the 1930s, the US had the Civilian Conservation Corps, which built public works projects around the country, including a dam that this summer saved Montpelier, VT, from even worse flooding than it had. Montpelier […]

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Rally for the Planet

Hundreds of students from around Vermont gathered at the State House on April 14 for Youth Lobby’s 2023 Rally for the Planet, calling on Vermont legislators to address climate change. Click on the headline or […]

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Sun Dog Symphony

Morning sun and ice crystals floating in the air created this sight at Sugarbush, VT, Monday morning. I don’t know what this phenomenon is called: multiple sun dogs with a big rainbow is the best […]

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New Farms for New Americans

Belated Thanksgiving post: I had the pleasure last summer of photographing immigrants in the New Farms for New Americans program in Burlington for the Vermont Almanac. On a beautiful August evening new Vermonters from places […]

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Heights of the Season

Leaves peaking, leaf peepers peeping, yesterday, White Rocks Mountain, VT; Hunger Mountain next door, Camels Hump, Mansfield, Waterbury Res in the distance. And the season’s first frost on the trees. Crystalline, cold and breezy on […]

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Montpelier’s July 3rd July 4th Parade

After a two-year COVID absence, Montpelier’s July Fourth parade (always held on July 3rd) was back, in most of its glory. There was a strong presence of marchers for abortion rights, and more politicians than […]

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Farewell, Tony Clark

Tony Clark, the founder of Blueberry Hill Ski Touring Center and one of the founders of the 1970s nordic ski boom in Vermont, has died, in Goshen, VT, where he made it happen. That’s Tony, […]

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Return of the Mud

A Mud Season to remember. Or maybe to forget as soon as possible. Maybe it was three weeks of cold temperatures without much snow, which, as the saying goes, drove the frost deep into the […]

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Winter Retrospective

It’s not really time for a winter retrospective (even though all the snow in the backyard is gone) because we know it’s going to snow in April. But here goes. Except for coaching, I photographed […]

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In the Bridge

I’ve been helping out the local weekly, The Bridge, with photos a bit this winter. These are all from a story by Will Lindner about the businesses that have sprung up in the crossroads hamlet […]

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Winter Arrives

After a slow start, it suddenly snowed and winter was here, full-time, for now. Top and below, the Montpelier, VT, middle school cross-country team heads across a field on an adventure ski. Everything else is […]

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All Quiet on the State House Front

Despite concerns about demonstrations in the wake of last week’s attack on the US Capitol, Vermont’s State House was practically deserted Sunday except for media and law enforcement. Police, reporters and a few curious citizens […]

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Winter Happening

As crazy as the rest of 2020, winter at the end of the year was happening slowly, in cold starts followed by fits of warm weather. Above, the colors of winter rolled in over Camel’s […]

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Stick Season

Stick Season: the interlude in Vermont between autumn and winter, when there are no leaves and no snow. But there are long, long shadows, peace, and a sense of anticipation for the next seasonal act. […]

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