New Farms for New Americans

Belated Thanksgiving post: I had the pleasure last summer of photographing immigrants in the New Farms for New Americans program in Burlington for the Vermont Almanac. On a beautiful August evening new Vermonters from places like Bhutan, Somalia, Burma and the Congo harvested crops grown next to the Winooski River. [Click photo or headline for full post.] They have their own garden plots and although part of the idea is to introduce them to North American crops, perhaps more importantly it gives them a place to grow familiar crops from their homelands. For people who have come a long way in every sense of the word to be here, it is a blessing. And as appropriate for Thanksgiving as anything I can think of.
More detail is in volume three of the Vermont Almanac, now available in bookstores and online. New Farms for New Americans is a program of AALV.

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